Several Towpath members attended Haiku North America in Cincinnati, OH, from June 28th to July 3rd. The conference was themed as “City and Soil,” and included many excellent sessions. Towpath members Ryland Shengzhi Li and Matt Snyder shared works at the 40-and-under reading.
The next regular meeting will be held July 8th via Zoom. Previously, the most recent Zoom meeting was on May 13th. Towpath’s Zoom meetings occur every other month.
Publications, Awards, and Announcements
Towpath member Roberta Beary co-authored Haibun – A Writer’s Guide with Lew Watts and Rich Youman. The trio provide the history of English-language haibun, discuss how a good haibun rises above its constituent parts, and provide many examples of excellent and boundary-pushing haibun to enjoy.